The Power of Placental Stem Cells: Placental Banking for a Healthier Family Future
The Power of Placental Stem Cells: Placental Banking for a Healthier Family Future
September 12, 2023 | Dr. Lana du Plessis |
September 12, 2023 | Dr. Lana du Plessis |
CryoSave offers Placental Banking in addition to Cord Blood and Cord Tissue Banking to provide our parents with the extra advantage of placental tissue and amniotic membrane banking. Thanks to this extra tissue in addition to cord blood and cord tissue, other illnesses can now be addressed.
What does a placenta do?
The placenta plays a critical role throughout pregnancy. It serves as a barrier to protect the newborn from bacteria and viruses. The umbilical cord provides the newborn with oxygen, nutrients, and waste elimination. Additionally, it produces hormones and signaling molecules that support the child’s growth.
As part of the baby’s life support system, the placenta transfers oxygen and essential nutrients between the mother and the child. Placental stem cells have enormous potential in regenerative medicine.
In treatments across the world, the power of placental banking is already becoming apparent. The placenta and amniotic membrane have been utilized to treat wounds and speed up recovery since the early 20th century, including diabetic ulcers, eye disorders, and wound healing, respectively.
What is Placenta Tissue?
The placenta is made up of a variety of important tissues, for example, blood-forming stem cells and mesenchymal stem (MSCs). There are various immune cells at the foetal-maternal interface and an abundance of MSCs are found in the placenta.
In the past two decades, it has become more common for parents to want to preserve both the MSCs made by the placenta and their blood-forming counterparts. There are now about 25 clinical trials looking at the use of MSCs from the placenta in conditions such as multiple myeloma, heart disease, endometrial disease, brain tumors, etc. Umbilical cord blood banking saves lives all around the world, but placenta-derived non-blood-forming cell banking could benefit from already-in-place banking practices and create the framework for clinical studies using placenta-derived stem cell therapies in regenerative medicine. In the future, these cells might be combined with or employed independently of their blood-forming counterparts for therapeutic purposes.
The Value of the Placental Stem Cells
CryoSave promises to isolate specific therapeutic cell types. We offer to isolate chorionic villi cells and amnion, as opposed to simply storing ‘placental tissue’.
Amniotic Membrane
It begins as a sheath around the umbilical cord, which evolves during pregnancy into a thin lining of the placenta sac. Placenta tissue is particularly significant because it contains collagen, fibronectin, and hyaluronic acid; these three components are linked with enhanced healing.
The amniotic membrane also contains a combination of growth factors and anti-inflammatory proteins, which can help cells communicate when the body is damaged or diseased. There is also evidence that placenta tissue is antimicrobial. The amniotic membrane is non-immunogenic – it can be used to treat unmatched patients: parents, siblings, or other, more distant relatives.
Amniotic membrane cells have been administered to babies with broncho-pulmonary dysplasia and found to be safe and well-tolerated.
Placental Stem Cells
The chorion is the outer membrane of the sac that holds your baby during your pregnancy. As your baby develops, the chorionic villi maximize contact with mum’s bloodstream to ensure they receive all the essential nutrients and cells they need to grow in the womb. The chorionic villi are rich in regenerative placental stem cells.
By storing the placental cells, these cells can continue to support your baby’s health for years to come. It is well known that the placenta contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) or mesenchymal-like stem cells, which are multipotent in nature, meaning that they can differentiate into specialized cells with specific functions. Scientific studies have shown that these cells can repair bones, cartilage, tissues, and many more.
The Potential
Regarding the potential applications of placental tissue stem cells in regenerative medicine, the options are virtually limitless. Over 100 regenerative medicine clinical trials globally are presently using these specific stem cells for therapies like:
Treatment using Amniotic Membrane includes: Ulcers, Burns, Eyes
Treatment using Placental Stem Cells includes Osteoarthritis, Type 2 Diabetes, Ischaemic Stroke, Crohn’s Disease, and many more.
Protecting Your Family’s Future
You can safeguard the long-term health of your entire family and guarantee that your family has access to the newest regenerative medicines as soon as they become available by gathering and keeping the placental tissue from your newborn.
Why Store Placenta?
Choosing to collect your placenta is like investing in the future of your child. It guarantees that when cutting-edge new medicines become available, they can have them. Perinatal cells, derived from the placenta, possess more potential in various treatments due to their youthful and impressionable nature.
- Storing the placenta together with cord blood tissue, maximizes the number of cells parents can store.
- It provides access to as many regenerative therapies as possible, as they become available.
- More cells stored could enable more treatments or mean the difference between treating a small child or a fully-grown adult.
- More types of cells can be stored for many different applications, and a wider range of diseases, and ailments can be treated.
Secure and distinct cells
The placental stem cells are distinct. They are a powerful match for your child and can be utilized in therapy for the family as well. You can safeguard the long-term health of your entire family by selecting placenta collecting.
You can increase the variety of cells your baby has access to and give them the most treatment possibilities by conserving placental cells and amniotic membrane along with your baby’s umbilical cord blood and umbilical cord tissue.
- Teofili L, Silini AR, Bianchi M, Valentini CG, Parolini O. Incorporating placental tissue in cord blood banking for stem cell transplantation. Expert Rev Hematol. 2018 Aug;11(8):649-661.